Sonnet one
Forty two advices, also queries
(the Religious Society of Friends)
it may be so that means may lead to ends:
it seems that one should start with modesties,
& after, & on top, humilities.
‘Get thee behind me Satans’, to which tends
ev’ry adult soul, when God’s Light descends,
to show what darkness forms humanities.
This first is two advice (or sentences),
without a query, & it seems to state
that through knowledge of their imperfections
human beings can decline their tenses,
& thereby modify, or change their fate,
as the Divine guides our introspections.
Sonnet two
The second – mostly personal advice:
Christ’s spirit (which a whispering has told,
is like ev’ryones – immortal) should hold
a model, whose example we should splice
with modern times, although the current spice
would seem debased and worse compared ten-fold,
with ev’ry virtue, basely, cheaply, sold;
and naught would seem to check the hands of vice.
So we should look to Christ, and then God’s love:
this is no cliché, though it sounds today,
and though there may be those who walk the walk,
and talk the talk, perhaps the Lord above
‘sees through cheap tricks’ (no notion but a way)
and posturing may earn the Devil’s fork.
Sonnet three
To hold ourselves & others in the Light
through inner quiet, stillness, silence,
finding a source of strength through God’s guidance.
It may just be the case, it might, it might,
that in divine resonance, just in sight
(forgive me if i make an inference
which seems dichotomous, though i see sense)
each doth possess a soul of purest white;
or purest black (as Milton chose to praise
as Wisdom’s hue) in actuality
lights absence (not a colour) and today
associations, they produce malaise;
‘it’s black and white’ require equality
across the spectrum, so each finds its way.
Sonnet four
So how does Jesus speak to you today?
Through scripture’s word, which we need interpret,
knowing too he’s not the only prophet,
though great – he tried to make all sinners pay.
Think of missionary work (Mormon say),
the gist is fine – perhaps the epithet –
that each group should redeem another set
that equals or exceeds ‘flirtatious’ play.
Our notes on Matthew quote a Gospel’s perk
for Sodom (though Leviticus – no win).
Perhaps a jest – should such Brits lend a hand
to U.K. actors (eight per cent in work)?
To lie, pretence, to act, three grades of sin?
But most if actors this alone expand.
Sonnet five
Forget not others (all have soul and Light)
the stance of Jesus, may, best be thundered:
ev’ry hair on ev’ry head is numbered,
no prejudice, each cherished in His sight,
although, be very careful with this might,
reaching certainty one may have blundered,
doubt, questioning, better to have wondered,
too to dwell on public, private insight.
An advice contained herein, number five,
say what has been found and what is valued:
a result – subconscious dialectic –
through seeing self and others are alive
i see a mechanism to collude
when before my views were solipsistic.
Sonnet six
A word to try is ecumenical,
despite its limits to the Christian Church,
though this the sixth, implies a wider search,
in finding that that’s symbiotical:
There’s many faiths that share a principle:
there is an afterlife – immortal perch –
souls may expect the carrot or the birch,
and such belief, may make one, ethical.
Not delving deep into theology,
and concentrating on the positives:
rewarded with eternal happiness.
So making matters simple as can be
the wager paid (morality) it gives
what only fools would spurn – eternal bliss.
Sonnet seven
Praise the Lord for what we take for granted:
the telephone, the park, our family,
the bus, the tube, our friends, the gallery –
such simplicity should not be slanted.
“Damn braces: Bless relaxes” Blake chanted,
negatives may bring positivity,
& work, & daily life, may set us free,
the everyday may bring that enchanted.
Approach ‘new’ ideas with discernment:
technology, it races forth apace,
but thought may not, so advance, hand in hand.
To illustrate, perhaps some merriment:
What was the largest island on earth’s face
before Greenland was discovered? Greenland.
© 2018 Mr L S Robinson
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